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June 2024

Special Guardianship Orders

This chapter was updated in June 2024. Information was added into Section 17, Special Guardian Duty on the Death of the Child, that the relevant local authority should be notified if the child was previously a looked after child.

Children and Young People’s Continuing Care National Framework

This chapter was added to the manual in June 2024.

Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Child Victims of Trafficking and Modern Slavery

In June 2024, a link was added in Section 4, Age Assessment to BASW Age Assessment Practice Guidance. In Further Information, a link was added to Operation Innerste Process: Caseworker Guidance.

Local Contacts

This chapter was updated in June 2024.

Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation

This chapter was updated in June 2024.

Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

In June 2024, Section 15, Resolving Disagreements was updated to include information on Guidance: Carry Out an Order in Special Educational Needs Cases.

Supporting the Education and Promoting the Achievement of Children with a Social Worker, Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

In June 2024 this chapter was revised in response to Working Together to Safeguard Children (December 2023), and includes the ongoing development of the strategic leadership roles of Virtual School Heads (VSH) in promoting educational outcomes for children aged 0 to 18 who have, or previously had a social worker, and children in kinship care arrangements.

Looked After Children in Contact with Youth Justice Services

This chapter was refreshed in June 2024.

Immediate Placements with Connected Persons (under Regulation 24 of the Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010) and their Approval as Foster Carers

This chapter was refreshed in June 2024.

Notifications of Significant Events

In June 2024 this chapter was updated in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children, to note that notifications should also be made of the death of a care leaver up to and including the age of 24.

Children Involved in the Youth Justice System: Additional National Guidance

This chapter was updated in June 2024.

Children's Services Policies, Values and Principles

In June 2024 this chapter was updated.

Kinship Care

This chapter was updated in June 2024 to reflect Championing Kinship Care: The National Kinship Care Strategy.

Ofsted Inspection Framework

This chapter was updated in June 2024.

Care and Supervision Proceedings and the Public Law Outline

In June 2024 information was added in relation to family group decision-making in Section 1, Introduction and Time Limits and Section 5, Pre-Proceedings.


This chapter was refreshed in June 2024.

Placements in Secure Accommodation

This chapter was updated in June 2024.

Contacts and Referrals

This chapter was updated in June 2024.


This chapter was updated in June 2024.

Death of or Serious Injury to a Child

This chapter was updated in June 2024.